Boston, May 20, 2014—Two weeks after issuing a reunification plan, DCF still has not given any specific timeline or fixed dates on implementing their own plan.

The family has not been given a Tufts Hospital medical plan as stipulated by the reunification plan. The release of Justina Pelletier should not be held hostage by the incompetence of DCF.

Concern mounts that Justina will not be released by June 20 which is when the Pelletiers are allowed to petition the court for her release.

The Pelletiers will be sharing many of their concerns at a “Free Justina Rally,” featuring radio talk show host Jeffery Kuhner, on Saturday, May 24 from 2:00-4:00 PM. The Rally will be on the steps of the Massachusetts Statehouse.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, family spokesperson for the Pelletiers, states, “It is unthinkable that after putting the Pelletiers through a 15 month nightmare, DCF is now dragging their feet in implementing their own reunification plan. No fixed dates have been issued. No schedule or timeline has been released. DCF has not put together the Tufts Medical plan which is part of the reunification plan.”

Mahoney continued, “The Pelletiers have been diligent and faithful to follow and comply with everything they have been required to do by DCF. This 15 month tragedy should have never happened and now the State of Massachusetts needs to follow through on their plan and set specific dates so Justina can be immediately returned to the loving arms of her family.”

For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741


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