BOSTON, June 17, 2014—Demonstrators will gather outside the Edward Brooke Courthouse this week to call upon Judge Johnston to free Justina Pelletier. Activists will hold prayer vigils and demonstrations at noon every day between Wednesday and Friday to call for Justina’s immediate release.
The Free Justina Coalition plans to hold a press conference with Jennifer Pelletier outside the courthouse on Wednesday at 12:00pm.
Reverend Patrick Mahoney, family spokesperson for the Pelletiers, says, “The Pelletier family has complied with every element of the reunification plan designed by DCF and HHS. Governor Patrick, HHS Secretary Polanowicz, DCF, Justina’s guardian ad-litem, and her state-appointed attorney have all gone on record to say that Justina should be released to her family. Now it rests with Judge Johnston to uphold justice and send Justina home.”
Mahoney continued, “Don’t forget, the Pelletier family and Justina especially have been victims in this tragic situation. This was caused by the drastic overreach and abuse of authority by those in the government bureaucracy. Removing Justina from her family home never should have happened in the first place. After 16 months, Justina’s return home is long past due.”
Human rights activists have called attention to the State of Massachusetts persistent violation of Justina’s personhood rights. During her time in government care, she was denied appropriate medical treatment, education, and the exercise of her religious faith.
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540-538-4741